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July 10 Gathering: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

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This Sunday we’re starting a new summer series where we’ll focus on the Gospel readings from the common lectionary for each week of our gatherings. This week’s text is Luke 10:25-37, the story of the Good Samaritan.

While this is certainly a familiar story–both within the church as well as within the culture–it bears some examination. At the heart of the story is the question of what it means to love our neighbors. But there are also questions about how to apply the original cultural/historical context to our present time, what truly loving our neighbor really looks like in a practical way, and how we move beyond theoretical love to active love.

During this summer series, we’ll examine each week’s passages in our usual facilitated discussion format (as opposed to a more formal “Bible study” format), which means lots of room for questions. This should be not only an exciting time for our community to deepen our spiritual formation together, but also a great opportunity to invite new folks who want to learn some new and deeper ways of looking at scripture.

Join us Sunday at the Marietta Brewing Company as we discuss this week’s passage and kick off our new series!

Happy Half-Hour: 6:30pm

Conversation Begins: 7:00pm

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